As the school year jumps into full swing, parent-teacher conferences are on the mind of many teachers. I know that for me, as a fairly new teacher, they can be overwhelming and lead to many sleepless nights. Sarah at Tales of Teaching with Tech, Erin from Very Perry Classroom, Brianne at Hooo-Ray for Teaching, and myself wanted to chat about how we format parent-teacher conferences. We discussed scheduling, how student-led conferences are run (in my classroom), handling the “hard stuff”, resources we give parents, making language a non-barrier, how to handle no-shows, and our absolute MUSTS of parent-teacher conferences.
My absolute must for conferences is: Get your students involved. Have them show off work, encourage them to reflect, and most of all listen to them too! This is a time to allow them to see that we are all a team to serve their learning. I always like to tell my students that, “conferences are just a team meeting to see how we can best support you.”
My kiddos know how much I LOVE teams! (It is a running joke that I am on EVERYONE’s team because of all my educational company t-shirts)
Happy Learning Everyone!
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