As a new teacher, I find that I can feel isolated in my own classroom. One thing that forces me to think beyond my classroom and get connected with people outside my school site is the SLANTBox Exchange hosted by Jameson from Lessons with Coffee. If you haven't signed up for one of these exchanges before, you are paired with a teacher (sometimes two) for the monthly exchange. You spend the month emailing and getting to know your partner. Near the … [Read more...] about February SLANTBox Exchange: I Love Education
Liebster Award
As a new educator, I felt that I needed a place to capture my educational journey, connect with other teachers and push myself to reflect on my teaching experiences. I decided to jump into the world of blogging, and surprisingly I am sticking with it. I was talking with my husband about blog post ideas, and low and behold I got an email that was exciting. The lovely Sarah Cole of Tales of Teaching with Tech had nominated me for a … [Read more...] about Liebster Award
The Sunday Scoop
Sunday's always feel like they are jam-packed with activities, a long to-do list, and sprinkled with a bit of relaxing. I wish I could have a few more hours, and I suspect that everyone out there would like that too. For this post, I am linking up with the Teaching Trio for their linky. There is always so much to do, but I'm thankful that I have this glorious Sunday to check these items off my list. What is everyone … [Read more...] about The Sunday Scoop
Salmonids in the Classroom
Exciting things have been happening in room 17. On Wednesday, we received a delivery that has my students (and me) excited. Our 30 Chinook eggs arrived on ice and ready to be placed in our 5-gallon tank. I love this project. Prior to the arrival of our fish, we spent the first few days of January learning about the life salmon life cycle, environmental factors that have resulted in Chinook being placed on the endangered species list, and have … [Read more...] about Salmonids in the Classroom